Walt Whitman
After buying and starting to read the complete poems of Walt Whitman, i'm not really into poetry, I have failed thus far to find the crux of his Kundalini awakening touted by both Richard Bucke and Gopi Krishna. However as I read through the section on Whitman in Bucke's Cosmic Consciousness book I find the passages I had been looking for. Upon reading the following exerpt from Song of Myself (which I have sarted, but not completed as it's huge) I am indeed struck by the fact that Walt had awakened Kundalini. He writes: You settled your head athwart my hips and gently turned
over upon me, When I read this I am struck dumbfounded, I of course mean that I am suddenly hit with a Kundalini surge up my back, through my heart, and it expands into my head and beyond before reaching down to my feet. I now not only intellectually know that Walt Whitman is my brother in Kundalini, but I also feel that it is so in my nervous system. Thank you God, you've done it again. I can now confirm what Gopi Krishna and Richard Bucke have written about Walt, and I am so thankful to them for putting me onto this thread of knowledge.