Following this revelation I received a huge Kundalini surge that was overwhelming and sustained. I gasped for breath as this awesome force returned to me once again. It was followed with a presence that I took to be god, and I confirmed by asking, and began to converse with her using Cosmic consciousness. I was only able to receive yes answers to my questions where yes provided a new and warm loving surge of Kundalini, and no answers left me without any surge, I was also able to distinguish maybe answers with a tickling sensation at the base of my spine which circled but did not rise up my back and into my brain.
I was then introduced to Jesus Christ who entered as a third presence and basically said that he was cool with what I have been asked to do. I was thrilled to be introduced to Jesus Christ after all this time and overcome by the Kundalini surge that he sent to me. After I had recovered we conversed in the aforementioned way and strangely in an earthly way as one might meet and chat with a stranger in the street. Anyway he gave me his blessing to go ahead with my scheme, everyone said their goodbyes and I began to give thanks for this amazing experience and position that I find myself in, and wave after wave of glorious Kundalini energy swept through my earthly system. I have now had my road to Damascus experience like
Saul of Tarsus, although with Jesus appearing in a sensory nerve way
rather than in a blinding light as was written. So my direction has
been set and my role is clear in this life. Quite honestly I am dumbfounded
and while this reads like an insane madman's ranting and is probably
easily dismissed, to experience it is to know the truth. However I’ve
no idea how to start this task, or how to get people to listen. SETI engineers back in the 1970's received a Wow! signal from the universe, and this is my Wow! signal from the universe in 2015, albeit to a consciousness instrument rather than a piece of electronic hardware. Things have changed again. To dream the impossible dream, eh!