The Family Of Imran
Islam seems to me to be a very oppresive religion. Allah doesn't seem to be very loving and rather than forgiving he is only ever merciful. [3.28] Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming. Allah is a metaphor surely, he is not a god like the christians percieve and is more like the Yoga Atman. The juvenescence of the muslim religion is very aparent in the test, so many of the situations described are more like life today than any other religion I have read, they seem more akin to this world not of one gone by. [3.102] O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah with the care which is due to Him, and do not die unless you are Muslims. Wow this is like some subtle brain washing going on, the Book is now not inviting you to make up your own mind but is beating you into submission with the word of Allah before even telling you what he has even done. Subtle is actually too generous a word as reading this it feels like relentlous psychological conditioning. [3.118] O you who believe! do not take for intimate friends from among others than your own people; they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they love what distresses you; vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still; indeed, We have made the communications clear to you, if you will understand. Wow in no other religion is this sentiment put across so forcefully, this is a young angry mans religion, no wonder women are kept so far from it. [3.136] (As for) these-- their reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and gardens beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them, and excellent is the reward of the laborers. Why is this so material, other religions make the same promise but place it after death, with islam it is a promise for this life it seems. If this is a metaphor it's a poor one that keeps popping up as bait. [3.145] And a soul will not die but with the permission of Allah the term is fixed; and whoever desires the reward of this world, I shall give him of it, and whoever desires the reward of the hereafter I shall give him of it, and I will reward the grateful. So the afterlife is also used. [3.157] And if you are slain in the way of Allah or you die, certainly forgiveness from Allah and mercy is better than what they amass. Again this is more militant than any other religion, I understand the importance of facing death and living with it as an advisor, but this is somethign else. [3.172] (As for) those who responded (at Ohud) to the call of Allah and the Apostle after the wound had befallen them, those among them who do good (to others) and guard (against evil)shall have a great reward. I'm beginning to find statements like this at odds with the book as a whole, doing good is becomming blurred with killing in the name of allah [3.179] On no account will Allah leave the believers in the condition which you are in until He separates the evil from the good; nor is Allah going to make you acquainted with the unseen, but Allah chooses of His apostles whom He pleases; therefore believe in Allah and His apostles; and if you believe and guard (against evil), then you shall have a great reward. I'm confused by this idea that a new apostle can be part of the Muslim religion, I think I remember the christian bible stating that no one can ever add to or alter it's message. Islam it seems expects and welcomes new apostles and new views. [3.190] Most surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are signs for men who understand. I like this. | The Quran |