The New World Denver Airport
Just found out about this thanks to last night's Coast To Coast broadcast, awesome show but WTF is it with this airport! There's a lot of stuff about this interesting masonic monument on the web already so I won't rehash their work, instead I will place some links and then pick up on the things that I could not find elsewhere: Broken Link - My thoughts on it then: Firstly as you can see on the right the Terminal buildings are clearly laid out like a templar cross, nothing to unusual about that for a openly masonic building, however what interests me is the other buildings layout which i'll nickname the Cock&Balls after the freemasons email feedback: I can't understand why the satellite buildings are in this formation again when there is no spatial need for it, I argue that this arrangement, like the Mount Rushmore visitors centre, is aesthetic and intentional, but what is it's meaning? I'd like to find more of them to build some sort of comparison and maybe glean something from that.
With regard to the freaky murals by artist Leo Tanguma (seen above), which I now believe are no longer on show and have been painted over recently(?), something strikes me about the order of them as described by 1) The Dead Women in Coffins Mural 2) The Dead Babies and General Skeletor Mural 3) Happy Happy Joy Joy 4) Jesus and the Holy Thingamabob This is out of order for the logical progression of the art; walls 2 and 3 are a diptych (a story in two parts), and this is confirmed by the actual plaque that was placed next to the murals 2 and 3: It says the mural then moves to images of smiling children, but this is surely referring to the first image as the two fit together as follows: |
So the actual meaning that I read; is that peace leads to war, and from war comes peace. It's a circle implied by the rainbow and the concrete, and there's almost an infinite quality to it, so maybe the circle repeats forever, it seems quite accurate so why were they listed out of order? To the question of masonic influence in this art. there are some definite masonic references there or more accurately; Bavarian Illuminati references such as the german child in traditional Bavarian dress and holding a hammer in a masonic pose, the eagle on the storm troopers hat, the child's letter from a WW2 concentration camp. The other artwork is less masonic and more environmental in nature, it is named "Peace and Harmony with Nature". Again there seems to be a diptych going on with walls 1 and 4 although i've not found anything on the web to say this is claimed.
What is seen in these pieces is a birth and death lifecycle of man and nature, and it is implied that humans are the sole bearer of blame. The central characters featured in wall number 4 appear in traditional dressings appropriate to their nationality. Many of them re-appear in wall 1, but in an updated state of dress, a more modern and western unified style it would seem, and of course the tone is very different, i.e. most of them are dead, and so are the animals that featured in the first piece. So we have another little story told across two out of order art works.
To address the claims of the plants in the first piece being psychedelic in nature, I would have to add that I think I recognize some of them; Datura Innoxia, Lophora Williamsii, Brunfelsia, and the central plant appears to be something like Coleus Blumei or Salvia Divinorum. These plants plus the native costumes seem to give the artwork a middle to southern American feel. As an alternative to the idea of the central plant being psychedelic, I also think it might be a tree of life analogue, such as the following strangely similar image, and possibly there is the image of a dove being created in the image near the top of the plant. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hi, I just read your article about the DenverAirport Murals. They're very Did you know that all the plants you listed are hallucinogenics? Coleus blumei: ground seeds are / were used in South East Asia as lophophora williamsii (you misspelt it in your article ;) ): contains
the That says it all, I think. A short word about the mushrooms: The brown mushroom in the same picture is a "Teonanacatl",
a psilocybe or it might rather be a Psilocybe cubensis. Yeah, that one matches the
one The blue mushroom, which looks actually very dangerous, is an edible Here are two interesting vids I watched about the murals on youtube:
Greetz, Sarah |