The World's End - Anti-illuminati Tale

The World's End is the third in the Pegg/Frost Cornetto trilogy, but at first glance it does not fit. Gone is the sharp observational chat about English life, the bromance of Pegg and Frost, the comedy echoes of Spaced, the innovative art direction of Edgar Wright, and quite frankly the fun has all gone as well.

The characters are poorly compiled and unlikeable, the ensemble cast fails to add anything through its presence, and the only stand out part in the whole picture is that of Martin Freeman's Oliver. The feel of the movie is oppressive from the outset, which may be intentional, and does not make for comfortable viewing, let alone the laugh out loud expectations given by its predecessor movies. It also doesn't seem to know what kind of movie it wants to be, unlike the parody of daily life in Shaun, and the love of American cop buddy movies in Fuzz, the End is possibly the last film this trio will make together for crimes against comedy.

To say I was disappointed doesn't fit, but it's a feeling like discontent mixed with a realisation of something. Something about this movie is operating at a lower layer. It contains various archetypes and metaphors, the story like two other movies this year enters into a prophetic reflection of things to come, and I use that phrase intentionally. Oblivion and Elysium are more related to this film than either Shaun of the Dead, or Hot Fuzz. The World's End is a lesson for the viewer, it is poking the all seeing eye with a very English "F off and leave us alone" & “We want to do what we want to do, we want to get loaded and have a good time”.

This film is clearly built upon the conspiracy theories of the New World Order that are very prevalent in the world at the moment, and even features a Conspiracy Theorist called Brian. It is a warning, and an education to the viewers, and given this angle it gains a level of respect that its predecessors do not have.

What we are seeing is not a new story, and it is not an original story. It is the metaphorical story of an elite class taking over the world using psychological warfare, compartmentalisation, and technology to make normal humans a dying breed. In the general arc of the plot we see a realisation that something is going on, the dawning that it is nefarious in nature, the understanding that automatons have replaced human beings, the will to escape this insidious scheme, and the realisation that it cannot be done. The revelation that what is going on is intentional on a world scale and the resistance to the imposition of control. Finally we witness the human revolution and the final insult of the subjugation of mankind through total destruction of the planet, which reduces us to medieval men.

Metaphorically The World's End works very well and does exactly what it says on the sign. It charts the destruction of mankind by a tribe who think they know better, are better, are happier, and will make everyone in their image to bring about a new renaissance and a New World Order. It shows us humans to be lying cheating scum who wreck everything and use selfishness and arrogance to impose their will on others for their own ends. Then once it recognises this, it revels in it to bring about their destruction. For the elite tribe is no different than Gary King's tribe, it just has more power.

Was the Elite tribe an alien race? I would guess not, and it is not needed outside of the sci-fi categorisation of the movie. The elite act all pompous and knowing, but it the end exhibit the very human trait of "oh F it then, I can't be bothered any more". I would say that they are likely the super rich that play games in the real world and who are trying to build life extension technology, and to bring about the singularity (which in this story is centred on the fictional town of Newton Haven). Interestingly the film is shot on location in Welwyn Garden City, which itself was an attempt by elites to model the “perfect” town.

There are some zombie overtones to the blanks/empties in the film which should not be overlooked, for the metaphor that wasn't fully realised in Shaun of the Dead is realised here. People are seen to be transformed into different beings by the Elite, they are said to be happier, but are no longer themselves, and are rather echoes of that which they used to be. They attack on command and attempt to add new people to their masses.
The fact that they are robots is not exactly correct as is explained in the movie, the word robot originally meant slave (I think it’s given as robota from the Czech language) and this is more meaningful to the overall metaphor of humans becoming slaves to the NWO.

Like in real life, the blanks/empties are easily defeated with the knowledge of the truth, however also like in real life the slaves keep playing their games of pretence and so are not defeated for long, and come back with the same diatribe and fear of standing out from the collective.
Unlike zombies however, there is hope for the blanks/empties as there is for all of us, once the manipulative power has gone, they come back to the human race, never quite the same, but no longer slaves to a master manipulator.

There is also one other side issue brought up in the movie when thinking about the blanks/empties, and this is the idea of the human body being ground up and mulched to be used as compost for plants to grow. This is an idea that is present in liberal thinking of the world today and further serves to imprison the human spirit, and downgrade existence from a spiritual adventure to simply a drain on planetary resources and a responsibility to give back to mother earth.

In summary then, this movie is serious attempt by the makers at waking people up to the plans of the world’s elite, it features all of the iconography that one would expect including: Egyptian artefacts, satanic signs, numerology, musical references, dead returning to life, and a collective called “Network”. It is not really a comedy, although billed as one, and I think this is to simply hide its true intentions. In the end, this movie does indeed know what kind of picture it is, however the viewer has to learn that it is not as advertised, and this may be its power in the long run.

Is Paul the spiritual successor to Fuzz?










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